Power Semiconductors
Silicon Carbide
Silicon Carbide (SiC) power transistors are now offering outstanding performance versus their silicon counterparts. Their low on-resistance at high blocking voltages, high switching speed and thermal performance brings significant gains in size, weight and efficiency for motor drives, power converters and battery chargers in electric vehicles (EV).
An important challenge for the adoption of SiC and other wide bandgap transistors in high power applications is the availability of well-optimized power modules as well as the learning curve in reliably driving them.
Intelligent Control Modules answer both challenges by offering highly integrated plug-in solutions, accelerating time-to-market and saving engineering resources. Transitioning to SiC is a long journey that can be reduced drastically by adopting our SiC Intelligent Power Module platform, benefiting from more than 10 years of expertise in the development of SiC power modules and gate drivers.

Control Modules
Silicon Carbide
Inverter Control Modules,
including real-time control board, 1200V/340-550A,
pinfin or flat base

SiC Inverter
Reference Designs
Modular SiC inverter
reference designs,
3-phase 350kW/850V,
complete HW & SW platform

Gate Drivers
Complete driver boards & IC's, family of gate drivers,
up to 1700V, for Si, SiC and GaN

Power Modules
Silicon Carbide
Intelligent Power Modules,
including gate driver board,
pinfin or flat base